Yesterday was bath day and I gave both the girls their baths in Kyra's duckie tub so mom could get pictures. I did accidentally scare the bejeepers out of Kyra when I turned on the handheld shower head to rinse out her hair since she wouldn't lean back for me even when I counted 1-2-3's for her (she's too used to the big tub I guess) and accidentally turned it to the noisy massage setting instead of the regular shower! She screamed until she was dried off and out in the other room poor thing. Paige always loves her bath, although she didn't like it in the little tub quite as much as the big tub because the water wasn't deep enough for me to hold her head and let her float. I love that little thoughtful, serious expression she gets. In the evening we went over to Mom and Dad's hotel so Phil and Kyra could swim in the pool there with them. It ended up that just Phil and Mom swam and Kyra only modeled her cute swimming suit because the water was just too cold! She is awfully cute in that suit though, too bad being pregnant got in the way of her getting to wear it for mommy and me swimtime this winter! Maybe Paige will get more actual in the water use out of it. :)
Then tonight Phil's mom and Curt came over for dinner and they brought us the chairs that go with the diningroom table Phil's G-ma gave us when she moved out here from Prineville a couple years ago! The chairs have been waiting in their barn while we used folding chairs because we were slacking on getting them moved over and didn't think they'd fit in our car but they did all fit in the H2 so now we have 6 lovely ladder-back chairs, 2 of which will soon be obscured by highchairs. We got a picture of Paige with all the granparents while they were here posed the same way that my grandpa, grandma, grandma and step-grandpa were in a picture with me when I was an itty-bitty. Maybe I'll eventually get ambitious and scan that one so I can post them together. :)
Nuna RAVA Car Seat Recall
3 weeks ago
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