On the little sister front, we found out at the ultrasound two appointments ago that little sister isn't looking so little! At her last ultrasound (that was 31 weeks gestation and now we're at 33) she was already estimated to be almost 4 1/2 lbs and her estimated head circumference measurement was at 98%!! Our doctor said a that appointment said we'd wait and see how things looked as she continues to grow. I was pretty against the idea of being induced originally if there was any way we could avoid it, but as time is getting closer I'm a lot more ok with the idea. At this past Monday's appointment the OB said she would prefer not to see us go past 39 weeks since this baby is looking so big and since Kyra was a pretty big girl herself (she was 8lbs 11 oz and had a 14 1/2 inch head at what we think was just about 37 weeks). I'm ok with the idea now and just plan on doing everything possible to be as ready as possible when the time comes for an induction if we haven't gone naturally before then. As much as I don't like the idea of the pitocin
(I REALLY want to go without the epidural this time and I'm nervous that I won't be able to hack it with the stronger pitocin contractions) I do like the idea of having a cutoff date for having her on the outside where it's easier to know she's doing well!