Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Goodbye Denali Cat

Today we took Denali in to be put to sleep. He was just getting SO sick, although for someone who didn't know him they may not have noticed! He was still awfully strong and social for a cat who hadn't really eaten in about three weeks. Phil decided he didn't want to be in the room, so we just took Kyra with us and she waited in the waiting room with Dad. The staff at the vet were wonderful and it wasn't as bad as I expected to be. It was over VERY fast. We're sure going to miss our Denali though. He was such a wonderful cat. We're probably going to wait quite a while before thinking about another kitty. Finding another that is as accepting of a baby would probably be impossible! I know that when we're ready to get another it will take us a long time to find one that even comes close to measure up. We're sad to say goodbye to our bed-warming, baby-loving, potato chip-munching buddy.

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