So after all the waiting for them, my parents arrived on Thursday to meet Paige! They of course think both girls are adorable and the girls like them too. :) Kyra warmed up to her Papa pretty fast this time, but then, she did last time too! She decided Grandma was alright after just a few hours instead of taking 2 weeks like last time they were here to visit. Grandma brought them the cutest little matching jammies and rompers so now I have more matching clothes to dress them in. YAY! She brought a great big bag of clothes from their Aunt Heather too. Kyra was very impressed and spent a good share of the afternoon and evening repeatedly unpacking the bag of clothes as you can see in the video. Thursday afternoon after they got checked into their hotel, we went over to Wal-Mart to do some grocery shopping and wait for Phil to get off work. My mom commented later that she kept wondering why all the people in the store kept looking at her, but then realized they were looking at Kyra of course who was being her cute, charming self and showing off for Papa and waving at strangers in the store. At least we did have less people actually stopping us to TALK to Kyra with all the extra adults around the cart so the shopping didn't take quite as long as it normally would have!

The girls hung out in their PJ's on Friday until after Gma and Papa got here that morning since they were wearing their new matching ones and we wanted Gma to see them. Paige's new TrueFit carseat had arrived (Yay for Wal-Mart Site-to-Store) and I left both girls with the grandparents while I ran over to get it!! So it was only a 15 or 20 minute trip right next door but I thought that was pretty good for my first time away from Paige! We LOVE the new carseat so far and it hasn't even been in the car yet other than the ride home in the box! Kyra is madly in love with Papa because he is JUST so fun to play with and she thinks he's her own personal jungle gym and sound machine. Saturday, Kyra's 8th tooth finally came through! She has a matching set again, four on top and four on the bottom. Mom and Dad went with us to meet up with Phil's mom and Curt and their dogs at the dog park this evening after dinner and Kyra got to entertain both sets of grandparents at once.

I must be getting to be less anemic because we walked quite a ways and I was feeling pretty good afterwards! I'm still amazed at how well that double stroller does out on the gravel trails out there. Phil put Kyra's new cribtent in her crib when we got home and she didn't seem to mind it at all when she went to bed so let's hope she just never realizes that without it, she could eventually get out on her own! We may leave her in there until she's five if she fits since she sleeps so well in her crib... I'm afraid to mess with what works, who cares about sleeping dogs, let sleeping BABIES lie!

This morning while I was getting my shoes on and grabbing the girls bags and stuff for church, Phil took them out to the car. He got Kyra strapped in and then Paige and then ran back up to grab a bink for Paige because she was fussing and when he got back down to the car she'd already stopped and was holding Kyra's fingers and they were both quiet. How sweet is that? Of course, they weren't about to let him get the camera and take a picture. :) Mom and Dad moved over to a hotel in Cascade Locks for tonight and tomorrow night after lunch today so we headed up there for dinner and to spend the evening with them. It was a gorgeous day so we were sitting on the deck outside the pool area at the hotel and Kyra was just fascinated with the flowers in the pots there.

Grandma was trying to convince her to smell them but Kyra was just sure you must be supposed to smell with your fingers/mouth. She got ahold of a pansy and a primrose and tried to eat both of them. She was quite funny at dinner, she was watching all the people around us so intently it was hard to get her to concentrate on her food! The girls were both so tired when we were ready to head home that we changed them into their jammies there and they fell asleep in the car and barely made a peep when we headed in and got them into bed.