Saturday, March 01, 2008

6 Weeks!!

I can't believe that our little girl is already 6 weeks old!!! She's changed so much already. Besides being awake a whole lot more, she's so playful and smiley for so much of the time that she is awake. (Usually that is...) Now when we pick her up, she often wraps her arm around our neck or shoulder and grabs our shirt or my hair. She also likes to lay her cheek against ours when we're holding her. When she's on her tummy on the boppy she can hold her head way up and look around for minutes at a time now. I'm thinking (and hoping for her sake) that she's going to be long and lean like her daddy because several pairs of her little 0-3 month pants are getting a little short on both ends, but they're all still baggy at the waists!! If this trend keeps up, it may be a good thing that the girl has lots of dresses and leg warmers as that may be all that fits! I can't see the 3-6 month pants staying up at all right now. Everyone warned me that she'd grow so fast, and in my head I KNEW she would, but I didn't really understand just how much I'd want her to stay little but still be so proud of her little achievements and developments at the same time. God really had things figured out when he planned this though, because every time she outgrows one of the little sweet things that I wish I could hold on to, she develops a new one that's just as endearing!
We took her to saturday night church tonight for the first time and apparently she prefers sunday morning service as this was the first time she's ever fussed! I ended up walking with her out in the foyer to keep her quiet during about a quarter of the service after she got a nasty case of hiccups. She settled down eventually so I could go back in. I think she'd prefer it if they had most of the music at the end of service instead of most of it at the beginning and just one song at the end since she's always mellow at the beginning of service and it's at the end that she's getting restless!

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