Saturday, February 16, 2008

Blah Boring Day...

Didn't do much today because I was still sick. We slept on the couch again last night. Kyra was a little fussy early this morning but then slept good until 10:00a.m. when I actually got up. (I know, lazy me sleeping in but I'm trying to get over the tail end of this cold!) I'm feeling quite a bit better but now I've got a yucky cough like I always get after a cold and there's not anything to do! Can't take any cough suppressant because I'm breast feeding, can't get codeine cough syrup from the dr. because then Kyra would have to sleep in her bassinet all night since I'd be medicated and we wouldn't get any sleep anyway! So I guess I'll just cough.
Kyra was her normal sweet self for most of the day today. She slept a bunch and we went over to meet Phil when he got off work. She did have a mild panic attack on the way out the door when her bink fell down her shirt and was poking her in the tummy. She's figuring out how to relax in the bouncer finally! If she keeps getting good at that, maybe we'll try sleeping there! (Well, just her, not me. :) )
I can't believe she's already 4 weeks old! Just to sum up on the changes. She's spending a good share of her time awake now. She's smiling a lot and laughing at least once a day. (We think the laughing is probably not intentional. Half the time it's when she's smiling, but the other half of the time it's in between screams!) She's been rolling from her tummy to her back SOMETIMES for a while now and she can roll from her back to her side, but not all the way to her belly. She's a lot more focused on things and likes watching the aquarium toy that Grandma B. gave her and LOVES watching the cat (hence all the pictures of her and Denali staring at each other.) They're getting to be VERY good friends now that Denali knows not to step on her and she knows that there's no use in trying to suck on his furry nose.

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