Sunday, February 03, 2008

Kyra's 1st Superbowl!

Well, Kyra's definitely feeling better than yesterday so the icky effects of the Hep. B vaccine must be wearing off. She slept really well last night after establishing in about 10 minutes that she did NOT intend to sleep in her bassinet. She had her 2nd shower with me this morning and did great again, alert and content the whole time, even for the hair washing! Dad got her dressed for church this morning in less time than it took me to get ready (and Mama forgot to take the camera with us and she was already in her jammies when we got home so there aren't any pictures of her in her cute little pink dress and sweater.)
Kyra stayed in the nursery this week during service!! Don't think we're too awful for leaving her there so early as we know the nursery staff pretty well and they wanted to have our sweet baby for the hour. :) Also, after spending about 23 and a half of 24 hours holding her yesterday, we were ready for a little break! She was very good and slept the whole time so we didn't even get a page to go feed her.
She also went to her first Superbowl party today!! We hung out with Amy, John & Tristan to watch the game and she mostly just slept and ate but she did get to snuggle with both Uncle John and Auntie Amy. She wasn't nearly as excited as the rest of us about the last minute Giant's win!

Also, I finished the video with all the pictures from Kyra's 2nd week and added it to Saturday's post since that's when she was 2 weeks! :)

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